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We are not just a straw company. We are a movement.
We are here to help fight plastic waste and straws are just our first channel of choice. Scientists estimate there are over 8.3 billion plastic straws polluting our oceans, that’s a number we can’t even picture. Knowing that, we want to make a change!
We’ve partnered up with Clean Ocean Sailing to #MakeASplash in the fight against plastic waste in our oceans.
Clean Ocean Sailing is a Cornish voluntary organisation, dedicated to cleaning our coasts and raising awareness about ocean plastic pollution. This year they will even be venturing to the Isles of Scilly, and they need your help.
They have restored their sailing boat, Annette, to carry out their important mission and she needs a new sail and your help. This new sail will propel her over thousands of miles for the next 10 to 15 years, enabling Clean Ocean Sailing to reach otherwise inaccessible parts of the coast to clean up.
We’re calling on artists with a vision for happy, healthy oceans to submit sail designs for the Clean Ocean Sailing team.
The brief is to submit a piece of visual art reimagining a more sustainable future and an ocean free from plastic pollutants!
Submissions can be in any artistic medium but must be submitted digitally by uploading it below.
Stroodles would love you to share your work on your social channels!
Please tag @stroodles_straws and @cleanoceansailing, and use #MakeASplash so we can see and share your work!
Simply submit your design below.
Artwork submission deadline is June 30th 2022, 23:59.
Sustainability hamper worth £100 + your design on the sail for 10+ years.
After June 30th 2022 23:59, submissions will still continue to be accepted. Submissions received after this time will be eligible to be selected to cover a flag on Annette’s mast for a one-month period over 12 continuous or non-continuous months.