Plastic Free July provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste everyday at home, work, school, and even at your local café. You making a small change will collectively make a massive difference to our communities.
“We Don’t Need A Handful of People Doing Zero-Waste Perfectly
We Need Millions of People Doing It Imperfectly”
Anne-Marie Bowen
Here at Stroodles we are huge supporters of Plastic Free July, and understand the importance of creating awareness about our current plastic crisis, hence why we recently partnered up with Clean Ocean Sailing to launch our #MakeASplash campaign, which will raise awareness of ocean plastic pollution and the devastating impact it is having on our oceans and wildlife. Did you know that our global consumption of plastic is leading to roughly 320 million tonnes of plastic being produced annually, which shockingly only 9% actually gets recycled? As you can imagine, this is leading to way too much plastic leaching into our environment, and unfortunately into our oceans, which not only threatens the existence of marine life, but is also having many other devastating impacts on our environment.
At Stroodles we believe that plastic free July shouldn't be subject for just one particular time in the year or to attempt to make small changes once in the year, but rather year round, while creating awareness year round to the problem we are creating solutions to solve!
So how can we be part of the solution and practice our Plastic Free July solutions collectively?
We have put together some ideas to help you make a start:
Finally, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - the three R’s for a better planet!
At Stroodles, Plastic Free July is a year round habit we are trying to introduce to our everyday lives by ensuring that consumers don't have to compromise on their drinking and dining experience and do some good by Stroodling their favourite drinks or dishes! As well as being completely uncompromising, our Pasta Straws (and full eco-tableware range) also don’t require any behavioural changes, so, with Stroodles, people can still have fun and get drunk and eat from disposables, but without the need for feeling guilty, as they are actually helping to make positive changes to our planet!
Our entire product range is biodegradable, 100% edible and is the perfect alternative to plastic straws, plastic plates, plastic spoons & plastic bowls.
If you want to start leading a more sustainable lifestyle and cut down on your plastic use, then why not check out our Pasta Straws and eco-tableware range here!