The Stroodles Edible Cups
Our famous Mr. Stroodles Pasta Straws launched in 2019 and became a global and viral trend - a fun and easy way to encourage sustainability. Ever since, we have been continuously expanding and learning new ways in keeping eco-friendly. Individuals, organisations, and businesses across the globe have switched to our Stroodle Pasta Straws, as a collective movement that helps us fight the excess of plastic waste that challenges our environment in this day and age.
Yes, we do not stop here! As our Stroodles movement keeps on growing so does our product portfolio! Today we are expanding our Stroodles Eco Tableware range introducing The New Edible Cups, which will help us make the change. Keep on reading to find out all about this new, innovative and delicious product, as well as where you can buy it. ↓
The Stroodles Edible Cups
Here are 4 key facts about our edible cups you must know:
100% natural / organic
Our Stroodle Cups are 100% organic, fresh, natural and eco-friendly. They contain zero preservatives no added sugar, concentrates, or artificial colours, doubling as a healthy wafer snack!
Edible and biodegradable
100% vegan, our edible cups are made from a mixture of grains, and they’re 100% biodegradable leaving no footprint whatsoever on the earth.
Delicious and tasty
The wafer biscuit keeps its crisp even up to 40 minutes in your drink, and also at high temperatures of even 85 degrees! Whatever you put in your cup, you will always get your crunch, and your crunch lasts up to 12 hours after you finish your drink.
A plastic free alternative to enjoy your favourite dishes one Stroodle Cup at a time
These cups are perfect alternative for the plastic cups that ends up discarded in billions of units around the whole world. They are perfect for going camping, to festivals, to picnics in the park. You can bin these after use without feeling bad, or you can EAT them, which is the ultimate zero-waste flex.
Our Edible Cups Gallery
Image credit: @yuhan.kitchen
How To Stroodle with a Cup Your morning coffee
It’s early in the morning, and you need your daily coffee boost – where do you turn to? Your local coffee shop? Nope. An overpriced average coffee, and you’re awkwardly holding a soggy paper cup for an hour trying to find a bin. Instead, all you have to do is open your cupboard and find your zero-waste alternative to hold your cup-of-joe in the morning! Crispy and crunchy, edible and biodegradable, leaving no trace or carbon footprint – a perfect solution. Stroodle Edible Cups are a way to help protect your environment, from the comfort of your kitchen.
We are a sustainable trend that took flight in 2019, with the aim of conserving our environment from the dangers of excessive plastic waste. We look to protecting our future, with fun, eco-friendly and healthy ways to help look after our environment. If you can replace your plastic with our edible goods – why not?
Our vegan edible tableware will look after all of your dining needs! Easily disposable: you can either crunch and munch your way through, or allow your Mr. Stroodles product to biodegrade naturally. Either way works to suit our environment, and to suit you.
Stay tuned for more upcoming products!
Why not start Stroodling your favourite drinks like never before!! Buy Now
Check out our new eco tableware.. Our movement is growing and so too is our product range!! Click here to find out more ;)